Chick Pro's Egg Hatch Software is Fully Customized for Your Egg Farm
"Comparing data from flock to flock, and tracking water and feed consumption is essential for maximum production. Egg Hatch software simplifies these processes.”
Easy daily data entry
Enter the ending hatch inventory. And it will calculate the total for that day.
Simply enter the full boxes closed for the day and the partial and it will calculate the totals!
One-click button to transfer light and feed values from last week to the current week.
Reports and charts
Egg production report using a standard and the current values.
Hen and Rooster weight charts using a standard and the current values.
Hen and Rooster mortality charts using a standard and the current values
Weekly- Egg, Mortality, Weight, feed, Light data Report- Customizable for each integrator.
Feed Inventory Report- Customizable for each integrator.
Egg room summarization report.
Feed and light schedule report.
Egg bonus chart and report. Customizable to integrator’s specs and calculations.
Easy data entry for the following chart standards:
Hen Weights for each week/age.
Rooster weights for each week/age.
Egg production percent for each week.
Printable worksheets including:
Floor eggs and mortality sheets.
Daily data entry sheets, same format as the daily data entry form for easy data entry.
Egg room inventory sheets.
Add multiple farms that use separate data files
And much more!